Do you want to provide a more interesting, engaging shopping experience for your customers that will capture their attention and keep them loyal to your brand? The majority of business owners would undoubtedly respond yes. That’s when your product configurator comes in handy.
You can provide clients with customizable products that they can tailor to their specific requirements. However, if you’re not getting the most of your product customization tools, you might not be giving your customers the experience they want.
Are you implementing these experiential successes into the product configurator on your eCommerce website? Throughout your sales cycle, try these tactics to improve and enhance the whole customer experience.
1. Make it a part of your ecommerce website’s design.
As clients surf your website, make it simple for them to see the many product configuration options. Your product configurator should make it simple for buyers to visualize the configurable products they’re evaluating.
So, with clear buttons and seamless integration into your product pages, make it plain where it is. By optimizing the formatting, you can make it a part of your website. Allow customers to post product designs on social media as well. It’s completely free advertising! You might even wish to include on your website some of your basic templates or options that consumers have developed with your product configurator software.
2. Rearrange the alternatives that clients are most interested in.
Most merchants have conducted significant research with their customers to learn how they approach the customization process. As clients put together their personalized items, a good organization can increase overall functionality. Begin by putting the items that clients are most likely to glance at first at the top of your list.
You should put your product customization solution to the test. Check out what can assist you improves your customer’s workflow. Examine the sales processes for each personalized item, as well as how buyers interact with the most frequently, throughout your online store. Then change your menus to reflect this. You’ll typically discover that making the procedure more convenient for your customer’s increases sales and improves consumer confidence.
3. Increase the prominence of the price.
Pricing can often have a significant impact on a customer’s decision-making process. Pricing can have an impact on:
• The distributors that they select
• The options they choose
• How many features do they add to a product?
Unfortunately, some online retailers conceal the price beneath a layer of other options or even require users to log in and provide personal information to access that crucial information.
Instead, make your pricing explicit at each stage of the product configurator’s process. Then, as clients go through the product customization process, keep it in a prominent area.
This visibility is especially significant if each option buyers select for their bespoke items has the potential to alter the item’s pricing.
Customers may find it easier to navigate through the sales process and select the solution that best matches their needs if prices alter dynamically. When your configurator is integrated with your CPQ solution, it can also help optimize the entire sales process.
4. Whenever possible, make sure your product customizer provides a full 3D model.
Customers may wish to see every aspect of their product as they work through the design tool’s creation process. Customers can visualize exactly what their items will look like and how they will work in their environments with the help of a full 3D model. A 3d product configurator can help clients understand why they should choose your brand over others.
5. Add augmented reality to the mix.
If your consumers are configuring basic t-shirts or producing mugs, you may not need augmented reality capability. However, many personalized items must blend in with the customer’s surroundings. Customers may want to visualize your organization’s solutions in their cupboards or imagine furnishings in the room.
Allowing augmented reality solutions allow you to do the following:
• Assist consumers in getting their new products into their homes.
• Provide a more complete picture of the product.
• Assist customers in developing a higher degree of overall confidence in their final products.
6. Allow buyers to display their custom-made items.
Do you want to improve your consumers’ overall experience with your product customizer and your entire ecommerce store? Then consider allowing shoppers to display their items. Inviting people to post them on your website or social media is a great way to get them to do so. Then automate the process of going through those items and viewing the creator’s template or settings.
Other customers’ products are frequently used as a starting point for another customer’s shopping journey. Allow them to quickly check out, experiment with, and personalize those things. Then they have the option of sharing their designs as well.